
Changing the Concept of Promotion

ENBD-Emirates National Bank of Dubai

Emirates NBD, the largest banking group in the Middle East in terms of assets, was formed on 16 October 2007 The Group has operations in the UAE, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Kingdom and Jersey (Channel Islands), and representative offices in India, Iran and Singapore. In December 2013, it was reported that Emirates NBD had partnered with London-based Jupiter Asset Management to help manage global investment assets exceeding US$100 million.

Project Theme

To make maximum visual impact to the customers or users for their newly campaign while using of ATM machine or ATM Kiosks specially to make it visible from distance to recognize the company ATM.

Project Application

We provided the Promo-Light animated panel with highly attractive animation of the campaign design. We pasted on the ATM machines & ATM Kiosks

Project Showcase

Project Video